A hit and run collision occurs when one vehicle, strikes another vehicle, and then flees the accident scene. It’s a criminal offence, and an offence under the Highway Traffic Act to flee the scene of a car accident especially one where somebody has been hurt in a car accident. A Hit and Run Accident is the criminal act of striking a pedestrian, motorist, cyclist, other vehicle, or structure then fleeing the scene of the accident. In an accident, a driver has the legal and ethical duty of stopping to provide the other parties with their licence information.
In many drinking and driving cases, a driver will leave the scene of an accident, even if it wasn’t their fault because they fear that when the police arrive they will figure out that they are intoxicated. The same scenario goes for drivers who are under the influence of drugs. Another excuse that a personal injury lawyer hears often is that they were in a rush to be somewhere and didn’t have the time to stop. Some drivers do stop but once they see that the accident victim is hurt or unresponsive they get scared and leave.
Take these steps if someone hits your vehicle and drives off:
Call 911 if you were in your vehicle when it was hit or if someone was injured. Once help is on the way, write down any details you remember about the vehicle that hit you, like its colour, make and model, and license plate number (even if you only remember part of it)
If you cause a car accident, your car insurance company might raise your rates at renewal time, or you could expect to pay more if you shop for a new car insurance policy. But not all car accidents are created equal.
If you’re the victim of a hit and run, you’re covered only if you have bought particular types of coverage. Liability insurance mandatory virtually everywhere does not cover you or your car. Your insurer may also require you to prove that the driver who hit you was uninsured which is tough to do if you don’t even know that person’s name. Read your policy documents closely for details on what’s covered.
You must have collision coverage and pay the deductible if your car is damaged. It costs $526 a year, on average, to get collision insurance, according to an Insurance.com rate analysis. You’ll have to pay your collision deductible, and then your insurance company should cover the rest of the repairs to your vehicle. Filing this claim may cause your premiums to increase, even if you weren’t legally responsible.
If you are an uninsured driver, unlicensed, suspended or all of the above, and you were injured in an accident, your options may be far more limited. However, even in these circumstances, Rooz Law may be able to find compensation for your injuries. Come into our office and speak to our experienced lawyers for uninsured drivers in North York. Let us see if there is any way we can help you.
Accidents are stressful any time, but they can be especially difficult in cases of hit and run accidents. If you have been injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver who has fled the scene and is never located, you may be wondering whether you have any recourse. Many victims of Oakville hit-and-run accidents believe that their options and sources for obtaining insurance coverage and compensation are limited to accident benefits.
An experienced Oakville injury lawyer can help you pursue the insurance coverage you are legally entitled to receive. Your lawyer plays a crucial role in the outcome of your case by helping you with the defense process. Since your lawyer understands the hit and run laws, as well as the possible defense strategies to use, you stand a better chance at fighting your charges.
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